
Original spare parts catalog for the Aprilia Mojito / Habana 50 2T (motor.Aprilia) (2003) - find OEM parts for Aprilia Mojito / Habana 50

Version: Mojito / Habana 50 2T (motor.Aprilia)

Year: 2003

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Original spare parts catalog for the Aprilia Mojito / Habana 50 2T (motor.Aprilia) (2003) - find OEM parts for Aprilia Mojito / Habana 50

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Aprilia Mojito / Habana 50 2003 exploded views

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Carburettor I Aprilia Carburettor I AP5RAR000047 cover AP5RAR000048 gas valve cover AP5RAR000049 gasket AP5RAR000050 spring AP5RAR000051 plate AP5RAR000052 metering rod lock AP5RAR000053 jet needle AP5RAR000054 valve AP5RAR000055 needle valve AP5RAR000056 air fuel screw AP5RAR000057 spring AP5RAR000058 washer AP5RAR000059 o-ring AP5RAR000043 starter fixing plate AP5RAR000044 o-ring AP5RAR000045 starter plunger AP5RAR000041 external cover AP5RAR000042 screw Carburettor I
Carburettor Ii Aprilia Carburettor Ii AP5RAR000030 screw AP5RAR000031 fuel unload screw AP5RAR000032 gasket AP5RAR000033 carburetor, float assy AP5RAR000034 needle valve AP5RAR000035 float pin AP5RAR000036 screw AP5RAR000037 main jet AP5RAR000067 main jet AP5RAR000066 main jet AP5RAR000038 jetholder AP5RAR000039 lock AP5RAR000040 idle jet AP5RAR000068 idle jet AP5RAR000065 pipe AP5RAR000064 o-ring AP5RAR000063 joint AP5RAR000062 spring AP5RAR000061 o-ring AP5RAR000046 pipe AP5RAR000060 adj.min.eng.speed screw Carburettor Ii
Clutch I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab) Aprilia Clutch I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab) AP1BMA000098 speed variator w/ clutch AP2MDA000182 guide roller for variator AP2MDA000183 guide roller for variator AP2MDA000184 variator spring cup AP5RMR000206 seeger AP2MDA000186 sec. sheave spring AP2MDA000187 clutch AP4BDN000039 nut AP1BMA000099 clutch housing, complete AP2MDA000188 nut AP5RMR000206 seeger AP5RMR000020 bearing AP5RMR000206 seeger AP1BMA000180 sec. sliding sheave, complete Clutch I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab)
Clutch Ii  ('99-2001 I.m. C) Aprilia Clutch Ii ('99-2001 I.m. C) AP2MDA000427 speed variator w/ clutch AP5RMR000092 guide roller for variator AP5RMR000100 brake shoes return spring AP5RMR000088 variator spring cup AP5RMR000097 o-ring AP5RMR000087 spring AP5RMR000099 clutch (di-tech) AP4BDN000039 nut AP2MDA000426 clutch bell AP5RMR000085 clutch nut AP5RMR000090 sec. fixed sheave, complete AP5RMR000096 oil seal AP5RMR000089 sec. sliding sheave, complete Clutch Ii ('99-2001 I.m. C)
Cooling Unit Aprilia Cooling Unit AP3UBA000076 plastic fan AP3UDA000077 fan shroud base AP3UCA000078 fan shroud AP3UCA000079 cylinder air shroud AP3UAA000046 acoustic insulation panel AP3UAN000061 spacer AP8150285 10 - screw AP4ADN000014 screw AP4ADN000015 screw AP2AVN000112 screw w/self-retaining washer AP8150014 washer AP4APN000029 screw Cooling Unit
Crank-case Aprilia Crank-case AP3FCN000269 pin AP1BHA000104 crankcase assy AP3HAA000044 drive plate AP3HAN000055 silent-block AP3HAN000056 silent-block AP4AUN000011 screw AP4ADN000013 screw AP3EBN000047 oil seal AP4GAN000026 bearing (22x50x14) AP3EAN000048 o-ring (2,4x161) AP3HAA000068 bearing fixing plate AP4ADN000016 screw AP5RHR000189 transmission cover AP3HVA000021 gasket AP4ADN000008 screw AP4ADN000009 screw GU98620355 screw (m6x55) AP4ADN000006 screw AP3HAA000064 vacuum pipe union AP4AHN000067 screw AP3AUN000062 screw AP9150351 washer gasket 485703 washer AP3QAA000039 bush AP3NVA000627 paper gasket Crank-case
Cylinder Head Aprilia Cylinder Head AP3BBA000003 cylinder head AP3BVA000004 cylinder head gasket AP2BEN000088 10 - spark plug AP8150506 10 - nut AP4BAN000002 stud bolt AP4BAN000001 stud bolt AP3EVA000011 gasket - cylinder base AP3EAN000053 stop ring AP2EDA000196 piston pin AP5RER000007 piston ring set (d42) AP5RER000005 piston ring set (d41,5) AP5RER000003 piston ring set (d41) AP5RER000002 piston assy d41 AP5RER000006 piston assy d42 AP5RER000004 piston assy d41,5 AP5RER000001 cylinder kit AP5RZR000028 gasket set Cylinder Head
Engine Aprilia Engine AP8235089 kick starter lever AP8150165 screw 271807 screw AP8152301 nut 598839 screw AP8222717 engine AP8222722 engine AP8222600 engine AP8222720 engine AP8222606 engine AP8222719 engine AP8222577 engine AP8222721 engine AP8222605 engine Engine
Exhaust Pipe Aprilia Exhaust Pipe AP8219576 cat.exhaust pipe AP8219472 exhaust AP8219449 silencer AP8219471 cat.exhaust pipe AP8219467 exhaust AP8219595 cat.exhaust pipe AP8219465 exhaust AP8150521 hex socket screw AP8219212 exhaust gasket 149104 screw AP8150017 washer AP8150376 washer (spring) AP8220357 silent block, exhaust pipe AP8150333 nut AP8219488 exhaust pipe trailing AP8219489 screw (m5x10) AP8144064 washer (heat shield) AP8152306 nut AP8219501 washer AP8150277 screw AP8219321 exhaust gasket AP8119588 screw AP8225368 nut (m6) Exhaust Pipe
Fuel Supply Aprilia Fuel Supply 016406 washer AP4ADN000014 screw AP3AVN000086 shear rivet AP4ADN000015 screw AP3AAN000054 clamp AP3AVA000063 intake manifold gasket AP3ABA000062 intake manifold AP5RAR000065 pipe AP2ADA000001 carburettor AP2ADA000123 carburettor (habana franco morini) AP2ADA000127 carburettor AP3AEA000002 reed valve Fuel Supply
Oil Pump Aprilia Oil Pump AP3IVA000022 mix oil pump gasket AP2IBA000105 oil pump AP3ICA000054 oil pump shaft assy. AP2FBN000021 clip AP4ADN000028 screw AP4DFN000032 washer AP3IAA000052 spring AP8102377 clamp AP8220402 fuel hose AP2HAN000022 oil pipe 436206 complete oil valve Oil Pump
Oil Tank Aprilia Oil Tank AP8248157 oil tank AP8224080 oil reserve indicator AP8101944 2-way union AP8102224 mixer oil filter AP8101743 hose clip d23,5x8* AP8101770 clamp AP8220503 fuel tank cap AP8220421 cap oil filler AP8152273 screw AP8150013 10 - washer AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) Oil Tank
Reduction Aprilia Reduction AP1BOA000028 idle gear assy z=17/51 AP3NBA000027 drive shaft AP1BOA000029 drive shaft assy z=64 AP3NAN000059 lh thrust washer AP3NAN000058 rh thrust washer AP3FBN000049 seeger AP4GAN000025 bearing (12x32x10) AP3GAN000051 bearing (22x50x14) AP3EBN000182 oil seal AP2GAN000113 bearing Reduction
Variator I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab) Aprilia Variator I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab) AP3QEA000764 starter motor gear AP3TDA000485 toothed start clutch cup AP8152135 nut m12x1,25 AP4DHN000020 belleville spring AP3TAN000036 spacer 14x23x3,6 AP2MEA000091 fan AP2MEA000092 fixed pulley AP2MEA000095 slider AP1BMA000093 pulley assy., driving AP1BMA000129 pin roller d9,6 AP2MEA000096 ramp plate AP2MEA000097 pulley cover AP2MCA000014 v-belt AP3MAN000045 bush 16x22x40,9 AP3MAN000087 spacer 4 mm AP3MAN000089 spacer AP3MAN000075 spacer AP3MAN000198 spacer AP4ATN000079 screw Variator I ('99-2001 I.m. Ab)
Variator Ii ('99-2001 I.m. C) Aprilia Variator Ii ('99-2001 I.m. C) AP3QEA000764 starter motor gear AP3TDA000485 toothed start clutch cup AP8152135 nut m12x1,25 AP4DHN000020 belleville spring AP3TAN000172 spacer (14,3x23x1) AP2MEA000424 v-belt pulley AP2MEA000421 variator slider AP2MEA000419 pulley assy., driving AP2MEA000420 pin roller 7,7g AP2MEA000530 roller housing back plate AP2MEA000423 pulley cover 0,5 mm AP2MCA000014 v-belt AP2MEN000189 bush AP3MAN000198 spacer AP3MAN000087 spacer 4 mm AP2MEN000187 screw Variator Ii ('99-2001 I.m. C)
Air Box Aprilia Air Box AP8220480 intake hose AP8220536 air bellow AP8248148 filter housing cover AP8248149 filter housing base 890506 seal air filter box AP8220544 filter guard gasket AP8248150 filter mesh AP8248151 gauze strainer cover AP8202138 air filter AP8150423 10 - screw AP8150413 screw AP8152280 screw AP8121725 spacer AP8220370 damper AP8220104 hose clamp d25-45x8* Air Box
Central Body I Aprilia Central Body I AP8249392 glove comp.door, AP8249057 glove comp.door, blue AP8139880 glove comp.door, AP8248168 glove comp.door, grey 86022300XN5 glove comp.door, AP8249078 glove comp.door, black AP8249036 glove comp.door, orange AP8258114 glove comp.door, azure AP8220407 top box weatherseal AP8249629 glove holder AP8150413 screw AP8104612 front box lock AP8102523 lock nut m22x1,5 AP8150426 screw Central Body I
Central Body Ii Aprilia Central Body Ii AP8249026 floor panel, blue AP8148007 floor panel, green AP8258132 floor panel, blue AP8248969 floor panel, black AP8248172 floor panel, red AP8258134 type cover, blue (blue) AP8248976 type cover, black AP8248450 type cover, red (red) AP8148010 type cover, green (green) AP8249028 type cover, blue (blue) AP8248159 inspection cover, red AP8249667 inspection cover, green AP8248962 inspection cover, black AP8258133 inspection cover, blue AP8249027 inspection cover, blue AP8152345 screw AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) Central Body Ii
Central Body Iii Aprilia Central Body Iii AP8249060 rh side panel, blue AP8248173 rh side panel, grey AP8149406 rh side panel, red AP8139882 rh side panel, AP8258074 rh side panel, grey AP8149396 rh side panel, blue AP8249039 rh side panel, orange AP8149411 rh side panel, black AP8149416 rh side panel, orange AP8258117 rh side panel, cyan AP8249081 rh side panel, black AP8149401 rh side panel, green AP8249214 rh side panel, black AP8249395 rh side panel, AP8152345 screw AP8248175 low. prot.fairing, black AP8202449 clip nuts AP8201763 clip nuts AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) Central Body Iii
Central Body Iv Aprilia Central Body Iv AP8249215 lh side panel, black AP8248174 lh side panel, grey AP8258075 lh side panel, grey AP8149412 lh side panel, black AP8149402 lh side panel, AP8249082 lh side panel, black AP8139883 lh side panel, AP8149407 lh side panel, red AP8258118 lh side panel, cyan AP8149397 lh side panel, blue AP8149417 lh side panel, orange AP8249396 lh side panel, AP8249040 lh side panel, orange AP8249061 lh side panel, blue AP8202449 clip nuts AP8201763 clip nuts AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) AP8152345 screw Central Body Iv
Central Stand Aprilia Central Stand AP8235047 main stand comp. AP8221290 stand pin AP8201643 split pin AP8221323 spring coupling screw AP8220238 damper AP8221204 lateral stand spring AP8221211 inner spring AP8150017 washer AP8150376 washer (spring) Central Stand
Connecting Rod Group Aprilia Connecting Rod Group AP3EBN000042 oil seal 25x37x6 AP3EBN000043 oil seal AP3GAN000040 bearing d25x52x13 090131 bearing AP3EBN000044 oil seal AP1BFA000012 crankshaft AP2GLN000104 pin cage 10x14x12,5 AP5RZR000029 oil seals - set 000267 woodruff key Connecting Rod Group
Cover - Kick Starter Aprilia Cover - Kick Starter AP3TAA000073 kick-start shaft bush AP3HZA000134 kickstart cover, black AP3HZA000090 kickstart cover, grey AP3HVA000026 k.start cover gasket AP3HAA000045 pin AP4ADN000016 screw AP3HVN000057 gasket AP3FCN000270 pin cover d9x14 AP3TAA000055 lever return spring AP1BTA000071 kick starter shaft AP3TCA000072 kickstart pinion AP3TAA000042 kickstarter spring Cover - Kick Starter
Decal And Lock Hardware Kit Aprilia Decal And Lock Hardware Kit AP8224081 main switch - steering lock AP8152140 screw 598839 screw AP8104613 key blank AP8104612 front box lock AP8102523 lock nut m22x1,5 AP8202149 lock kit AP8202169 top box lock (top box lock) AP8152194 nut AP8221312 washer AP8201748 washer AP8201749 screw AP8202167 saddle lockup lever AP8257616 decal set, habana AP8257692 decal set, habana AP8277063 decal set, mojito AP8267299 decal set, habana AP8267614 decal set, compay AP8177040 decal set, mojito Decal And Lock Hardware Kit
Frame Aprilia Frame AP8235129 frame with electro-coating AP8234157 upper body support AP8220269 cable-guide AP8235060 engine connecting element AP8221213 nut AP8220399 fase drift AP8221281 screw AP8152301 nut AP8150020 washer 254485 clip nuts (m6) AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) 598839 screw AP8203923 ball ring set, complete AP8201763 clip nuts AP8201764 clip nuts AP8201772 sheath AP8249095 lock prot. AP8150413 screw AP8201457 rivet * AP8117041 adhesive sponge 6x30 Frame
Front Body I Aprilia Front Body I AP8248195 headlight chromed ringnut (chrom.) AP8249757 headlight support, sand grey AP8148961 headlight support, AP8258111 headlight support, cyan AP8268010 headlight support, blue AP8149395 headlight support, blue AP8149410 headlight support, black AP8149415 headlight support, orange AP8258971 headlight support, red AP8148960 headlight support, AP8268005 headlight support, orange AP8249033 headlight support, AP8249824 headlight support, AP8249054 headlight support, reef blue AP8249075 headlight support, AP8149405 headlight support, red AP8258073 headlight support, grey AP8149400 headlight support, green AP8258110 dashboard panel, cyan AP8248187 dashboard panel, grey AP8268004 dashboard panel, orange AP8249074 dashboard panel, black AP8139889 dashboard panel, AP8249032 dashboard panel, orange AP8249823 dashboard panel, AP8249053 dashboard panel, blue AP8249389 dashboard panel, AP8258970 dashboard panel, AP8268009 dashboard panel, blue AP8248193 dashboard ring nut, chr. AP8152043 screw AP8150421 screw AP8150413 screw Front Body I
Front Body Ii Aprilia Front Body Ii AP8249830 rh el.controls place, black AP8249189 rh el.controls place, black AP8249175 rh el.controls place, blue AP8248189 rh el.controls place, grey AP8139891 rh el.controls place, green AP8258127 rh el.controls place, cyan AP8249405 rh el.controls place, red AP8249023 rh el.controls place, orange AP8249190 lh el.controls place, black AP8148493 lh el.controls place, green AP8249406 lh el.controls place, red AP8248824 lh el.controls place, grey AP8249176 lh el.controls place, blue AP8249831 lh el.controls place, black AP8249024 lh el.controls place, orange AP8258128 lh el.controls place, cyan AP8150420 screw Front Body Ii
Front Body Iii Aprilia Front Body Iii AP8249052 front fairing, reef blue AP8258109 front fairing, cyan AP8249073 front fairing, volcano black AP8248186 front fairing, sand grey AP8249822 front fairing, AP8249031 front fairing, orange AP8249388 front fairing, AP8139888 front fairing, AP8248184 front collar, chr. AP8248185 rear collar, chr. AP8152298 screw AP8152043 screw AP8150158 washer (4,3x9x0,8) AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) AP8102381 clip m4 (m4) Front Body Iii
Front Body Iv Aprilia Front Body Iv AP8158475 front shield, AP8158472 front shield, apricot orange AP8158468 front shield, AP8158473 front shield, cyan AP8249092 front shield, volcano black AP8158467 front shield, reef blue AP8158470 front shield, AP8158469 front shield, sand grey AP8249055 internal shield, reef blue AP8258113 internal shield, cyan AP8248166 internal shield, sand grey AP8249034 internal shield, orange AP8148011 internal shield, AP8139878 internal shield, AP8249076 internal shield, black AP8249207 internal shield, aprilia black AP8178134 water protection AP8202449 clip nuts AP8150413 screw AP8152246 screw AP8152298 screw AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) AP8150444 screw AP8121811 t bush AP8150420 screw Front Body Iv
Front Body V Aprilia Front Body V AP8126748 front mudguard, AP8248169 front mudguard, grey AP8226769 front mudguard (red) AP8226788 front mudguard, AP8226591 front mudguard, AP8226795 front mudguard (orange) AP8226561 front mudguard AP8226560 front mudguard (orange) AP8226682 front mudguard AP8226562 front mudguard AP8226570 front mudguard AP8249080 front mudguard lockup, black AP8248170 front mudguard lockup, grey AP8258116 front mudguard lockup, cyan AP8249394 front mudguard lockup, AP8139881 front mudguard lockup, AP8249038 front mudguard lockup, orange AP8249209 front mudguard lockup, cyan 2B014101 screw AP8150413 screw AP8102671 plastic rivet AP8148587 reflector support AP8224163 reflector, orange AP8152298 screw AP8152306 nut Front Body V
Front Body Vi Aprilia Front Body Vi AP8150012 10 - washer AP8258115 front mudguard AP8149394 front mudguard AP8149399 front mudguard finish, green AP8249037 front mudguard finish, orange AP8149414 front mudguard finish, orange AP8249079 front mudguard AP8249826 front mudguard AP8248192 front mudguard finish, grey AP8148489 front mudguard finish, green AP8249393 front mudguard finish, red AP8249058 front mudguard AP8152341 screw AP8150413 screw AP8102671 plastic rivet AP8248961 lh connecting rod cover, chr. AP8248171 rh connecting rod cover, chr. Front Body Vi
Front Shock Absorber Aprilia Front Shock Absorber AP8220177 o-ring AP8203542 special washer AP8150101 washer AP8150432 nut AP8203538 spacer AP8203522 nylon bush AP8203520 cup AP8203521 cup d20 AP8203536 spacer AP8150431 nut AP8201602 hex screw m8x35 (m8x35) AP8150017 washer AP8203519 cup d28 AP8203524 spacer AP8203523 nylon bush AP8123881 fork shock absorber AP8248182 upper shock absorber cover AP8248183 lower shock absorber cover AP8203972 screw m12x50 AP8203971 plate AP8203970 connecting rod AP8234176 brake caliper plate AP8163376 front fork AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) Front Shock Absorber
Front Wheel Aprilia Front Wheel AP8128047 front wheel 0000000 tyre AP8225123 wheel bearing AP8120865 drive key AP8125743 oil seal AP8213231 brake disc AP8152288 screw AP8150373 low self-locking nut m12x1,25 AP8225356 front wheel spindle front AP8152018 2 - washer AP8225357 front wheel spacer AP8201679 tubeless tyre valve AP8202141 odometer gear AP8213441 front brake caliper front AP8213224 brake caliper cover AP8113644 brake pads AP8113321 bleeder+cap AP8213227 pin+brake spring 498850 brake caliper rev. kit AP8113003 oil pipe screw AP8213404 brake hose AP8113004 washer gasket AP8152287 screw AP8120030 rubber spacer Front Wheel
Fuel Tank Aprilia Fuel Tank AP8248153 fuel tank AP8234156 floor panel support AP8201763 clip nuts AP8152246 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) 598839 screw AP8150015 washer AP8248985 unleaded fuel filler cap AP8248154 fuel filler cap AP8248156 fuel pump protection AP8222377 fuel pump AP8152306 nut 855799 screw AP8220568 fuel hose AP8102401 clamp AP8201757 fuel filler cap AP8224079 fuel level gauge AP8150204 nut AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) AP8120956 breather pipe AP8101595 clamp AP8120116 3-way union 896544 fuel pipe 5,5x10 (5,5x10) AP8104071 oil filter 879888 clamp AP8102903 clamp 896570 breather pipe 4x8 (4x8) AP8102378 clamp Fuel Tank
Handlebar - Dashboard Aprilia Handlebar - Dashboard AP8218414 handlebar AP8152290 screw AP8152300 nut AP8150201 screw m10x55 AP8152301 nut AP8225360 nut m3 AP8212408 lampholder, complete AP8224219 dashboard lens AP8150413 screw AP8224488 dashboard AP8224176 dashboard AP8224547 dashboard AP8224078 dashboard AP8220177 o-ring AP8214210 speedometer cable AP8224217 panel, chr. AP8224218 lighting shield AP8220555 dashboard lens seal AP8102671 plastic rivet AP8150020 washer AP8221279 washer AP8202153 mirror left AP8102969 mirror right AP8152363 screw (m10x1,25) AP8220462 rubber bellows Handlebar - Dashboard
Lh Controls Aprilia Lh Controls AP8118565 handgrip pair, green AP8118547 handgrip pair, blue AP8218540 grip AP8118546 handgrip pair, red AP8124209 horn button AP8212767 indicator switch AP8218236 rear brake lever complete AP8218274 brake lever AP8218114 brake lever pin AP8218154 brake lever u-bolt AP8118472 screw AP8124081 remote switch Lh Controls
Plate Set And Handbook Aprilia Plate Set And Handbook AP8257078 dgm dataplate AP8257079 cee dataplate AP8257575 constructor dataplate AP8257507 constructor dataplate AP8257499 constructor dataplate AP8257501 constructor dataplate AP8267027 constructor dataplate AP8277006 constructor dataplate AP8257573 constructor dataplate AP8257080 constructor dataplate AP8202320 operator's handbook-gr-j-uk- AP8202324 operator's handbook -p-e- AP8202361 operator's handbook -usa- AP8202319 operator's handbook-nl-dk-sf- AP8202317 operator's handbook-i-f-d- AP8202318 operator's handbook-p-e-uk- AP8102967 operator's handbook-i- AP8257505 tamperproof dataplate AP8267297 tamperproof dataplate AP8257599 tamperproof dataplate AP8277007 noise emission sticker Plate Set And Handbook
Rear Body I Aprilia Rear Body I AP8249041 rh undersaddle, orange AP8249062 rh undersaddle, blue AP8249210 rh undersaddle, AP8258119 rh undersaddle, blue AP8248178 rh undersaddle, grey AP8249408 rh undersaddle, red AP8249083 rh undersaddle, black AP8139885 rh undersaddle, green AP8158413 rh lat.inspection cover, green AP8158411 rh lat. inspection cover, blue AP8158419 rh lat. inspection cover, blue AP8249668 rh lat.inspection cover, green AP8158415 rh lat. inspection cover, red AP8158417 rh lat.inspection cover, black AP8158416 lh lat. inspection cover, red AP8158420 lh lat. inspection cover, blue AP8158414 lh lat.inspection cover, green AP8249669 lh lat.inspection cover, green AP8158412 lh lat. inspection cover, blue AP8234241 lh lat.inspection cover, black AP8248823 lh undersaddle, grey AP8258120 lh undersaddle, blue AP8249409 lh undersaddle, red AP8249211 lh undersaddle, AP8249084 lh undersaddle, black AP8249042 lh undersaddle, orange AP8249063 lh undersaddle, blue AP8148885 lh undersaddle, green AP8201534 undersaddle hook cpl. AP8152345 screw AP8150415 screw AP8202449 clip nuts AP8201763 clip nuts AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) Rear Body I
Rear Body Ii Aprilia Rear Body Ii AP8249410 rear fairing, AP8139999 rear fairing, AP8258983 rear fairing, AP8268011 rear fairing, reef blue AP8249513 rear fairing, orange AP8249093 rear fairing, volcano black AP8249387 rear fairing, AP8258130 rear fairing, cyan AP8249512 rear fairing, sand grey AP8148642 rear fairing, reef blue AP8268006 rear fairing, apricot orange AP8150413 screw AP8152345 screw AP8158408 oval finish AP8277049 reflector decal AP8224114 oval reflector, amber AP8268013 lh turn indicator, blue AP8249046 lh turn indicator, orange AP8249067 lh turn indicator, blue AP8249402 lh turn indicator, red AP8249218 lh turn indicator, black AP8248825 lh turn indicator, grey AP8258124 lh turn indicator, cyan AP8268008 lh turn indicator, orange AP8148017 lh turn indicator, green AP8258982 lh turn indicator, red AP8249088 lh turn indicator, black AP8258981 rh turn indicator, red AP8268012 rh turn indicator, blue AP8249066 rh turn indicator, blue AP8249401 rh turn indicator, red AP8249217 rh turn indicator, black AP8258123 rh turn indicator, cyan AP8139892 rh turn indicator, green AP8249087 rh turn indicator, black AP8248451 rh turn indicator, grey AP8249045 rh turn indicator, orange AP8268007 rh turn indicator, orange AP8248889 lh dir.light place, black AP8149166 rh dir.light place, black AP8102381 clip m4 (m4) AP8150159 washer AP8150204 nut AP8150421 screw AP8224164 rear reflector, red AP8249104 rh front reflector support AP8249105 lh front reflector support Rear Body Ii
Rear Body Iii Aprilia Rear Body Iii AP8112916 rear reflector AP8150011 washer AP8150204 nut AP8150359 5 - screw AP8258087 rear bumper, red AP8249832 rear bumper, AP8249670 rear bumper, AP8149408 rear bumper, red AP8258084 rear bumper, orange AP8258131 rear bumper, v.cyan AP8258086 rear bumper, green AP8249188 rear bumper, black AP8249174 rear bumper, blue AP8249161 rear bumper, orange AP8149398 rear bumper, blue AP8149418 rear bumper, orange AP8258088 rear bumper, black AP8249149 rear bumper, grey AP8258083 rear bumper, grey AP8249671 rear bumper, red AP8258085 rear bumper, blue AP8248165 rear splash guard, black AP8148014 rear splash guard, black AP8149034 number plate support AP8234217 plate holder support AP8224169 number-plate light Rear Body Iii
Rear Body Iv Aprilia Rear Body Iv AP8121736 10 - spacer 855799 screw AP8150204 nut AP8144064 washer (heat shield) AP8150382 washer AP8152043 screw AP8248163 mudguard rear 254485 clip nuts (m6) AP8221218 spacer AP8121035 spacer 149104 screw 598839 screw AP8249558 bracket AP8226292 number plate holder, yellow -b- Rear Body Iv
Rear Shock Absorber Aprilia Rear Shock Absorber AP8150210 washer (spring) AP8144259 rubber spacer AP8221304 bush AP8203930 shock absorber AP8223058 shock absorber AP8152301 nut AP8150227 screw AP8150020 washer AP8150196 screw Rear Shock Absorber
Rear Wheel Aprilia Rear Wheel AP8208849 rear wheel AP8213424 brake shoe 0000000 tyre AP8213373 antidust gasket AP8220367 rear wheel plug AP8201679 tubeless tyre valve AP8152244 dax flange nut m14x1,5 AP8221291 washer 15x31x3 AP8152299 nut AP8101103 rear brake lever register AP8134167 brake hose hanger AP8221120 brake cable retainer AP8235048 rear brake lever AP8214189 brake cable AP8213407 lining wear indicator AP8213408 brake return spring AP8213406 rear brake cam AP8234161 plate AP8150137 screw AP8221172 cable-guide 598839 screw AP8152282 screw Rear Wheel
Rh Controls Aprilia Rh Controls AP8218540 grip AP8118547 handgrip pair, blue AP8118565 handgrip pair, green AP8118546 handgrip pair, red AP8124208 start pushbutton AP8224130 engine stop switch AP8124207 lightbutt. AP8214187 throttle cable AP8213456 pump revision kit AP8218499 throttle w/out hand grip AP8213275 brake hydraulic pump right AP8218288 brake lever AP8218483 lever pin cpl. AP8213299 screw AP8113637 brake lever u-bolt AP8249191 pump cover AP8213455 master cyl.level window, assy Rh Controls
Saddle - Handle Aprilia Saddle - Handle AP8129298 saddle complete, blue AP8229312 saddle complete, green AP8129299 saddle complete, red AP8220547 filler cup guard AP8121725 spacer AP8152136 screw AP8249091 pillion grab bar, black AP8249404 pillion grab bar, AP8249070 pillion grab bar, blue AP8258126 pillion grab bar, cyan AP8139895 pillion grab bar, AP8248191 pillion grab bar, grey AP8149136 pillion grab bar, AP8149137 pillion grab bar, orange AP8248158 saddle hinge AP8220349 rubber spacer AP8221282 saddle spin AP8152246 screw AP8150014 washer AP8201643 split pin Saddle - Handle
Electrical System Aprilia Electrical System AP8224074 main wiring harness AP8224546 main wiring harness AP8224246 main wiring harness AP8224102 voltage regulator AP8224057 relay - starter AP8124235 flasher relay AP8224221 horn 32YTX5LBS battery AP8212382 diode AP8230535 battery holder AP8220546 relay rubber AP8224073 fuse cable AP8112811 rubber fuse box AP8120754 rubber fuse box CM225715 fuse (15a) CM225607 fuse (7,5a) AP8220545 rubber wiring AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP8152299 nut 598839 screw 580953 brake light switch AP8224170 resistence with harness 896570 breather pipe 4x8 (4x8) AP8152140 screw AP8224081 main switch - steering lock AP8104613 key blank 658830 washer (spring) AP3RCA0007526 cdi unit AP8120416 black hose 180x4,5 AP8120657 hose clamp 4.5x280 Electrical System
Flywheel Aprilia Flywheel AP2RBA000172 rotor AP3RBA000446 stator AP4BEN000010 nut m10x1,25 AP4ADN000027 screw AP4DGN000077 plain washer AP4ADN000023 screw (5x12) AP4DGN000066 plain washer Flywheel
Helmet Compartment Aprilia Helmet Compartment AP8202169 top box lock (top box lock) AP8248160 helmet compartment AP8248161 battery cover AP8152279 screw AP8152246 screw AP8201643 split pin AP8221294 saddle lockup gear AP8221295 saddle lockup spring AP8221293 saddle lockup hook AP8202167 saddle lockup lever AP8150430 nut AP8152194 nut AP8221312 washer AP8201748 washer AP8201749 screw AP8150017 washer AP8102381 clip m4 (m4) AP8202449 clip nuts 890507 top box weatherseal AP8150013 10 - washer 855799 screw 852232 tools kit (carb.) AP8101595 clamp Helmet Compartment
Ignition Unit Aprilia Ignition Unit AP3RCA0007526 cdi unit AP8220545 rubber wiring AP2RDA000034 ignition coil AP3REA000035 spark plug cap AP3REA000036 spark plug rubber Ignition Unit
Lights Aprilia Lights AP8150013 10 - washer AP8224243 self-tap screw 3,9x25 AP8224229 taillight lens AP8224227 taillight wiring harn. AP8224228 n.plate light window AP8224070 headlight AP8258125 taillight, cyan AP8127046 taillight, AP8127047 taillight, volcano AP8127050 taillight, sand grey AP8127049 taillight, apricot orange AP8249403 taillight, volcano AP8127048 taillight, aprilia black AP8224071 taillight, sand grey AP8224266 taillight, volcano AP8127045 taillight, reef blue AP8152273 screw AP8150044 screw AP8121728 spacer AP8120531 rubber w/ insert AP8224222 turn indicator lens AP8224235 internal cup AP8224241 self-tap screw 2,9x19 AP8224234 chromed ring nut AP8150413 screw AP8224066 front turn indicator AP8224068 turn indicator AP8224075 turn ind.harness AP8220554 spacer (rubber) AP8224230 headlight wiring w/harness AP8224609 bulb holder AP8120405 damper AP8152351 screw (4,2x16) 219528 bulb (ba20d 12v 35/35w) 0000000 tyre AP8224390 lamp r10w 12v Lights
Starter Motor Aprilia Starter Motor AP2QCA000041 starter motor AP2QCA000455 starter motor AP5RQR000183 starter motor revision kit AP5RQR000069 starter motor revision kit AP5RQR000181 o-ring AP5RQR000023 o-ring AP3QAA000039 bush AP4ADN000012 screw AP5RQR000026 screw AP5RQR000182 wiring AP5RQR000027 wiring with screw AP4ADN000016 screw AP3QAA000038 bendix support AP2QBA000456 starter bendix gear AP2QBA000058 bendix AP3FCN000024 pin Starter Motor
Usa Lights Aprilia Usa Lights AP8224544 headlight AP8224560 taillight, reef blue AP8224545 taillight, volcano AP8224559 taillight, apricot orange AP8224567 red n.plate light window AP8224229 taillight lens AP8224565 taillight wiring harn. 0000000 tyre AP8224542 turn indicator left AP8224543 turn indicator right AP8224540 turn indicator AP8224541 turn indicator AP8134951 turn indicator AP8249100 rh turn indicator support AP8249101 lh turn indicator support AP8152279 screw AP8152299 nut AP8124718 rear reflector, red AP8124887 headlight wiring w/boot AP8152338 screw AP8152306 nut AP8220554 spacer (rubber) AP8120405 damper AP8224259 front turn indicator wiring AP8124889 turn indicator lens AP8152392 self-tap screw 2,9x32 AP8121795 spacer AP8150052 screw AP8150011 washer AP8150204 nut Usa Lights
Acc. - Mechanics Anti-theft Aprilia Acc. - Mechanics Anti-theft AP8720115 iron guard 10x150 mm AP8720116 iron guard 8x120 mm AP8720117 iron guard disk 5 mm AP8720118 easy guard 150 mm Acc. - Mechanics Anti-theft
Acc. - Top/cases, Side Cases Aprilia Acc. - Top/cases, Side Cases AP87920664 top box, embossed new-c 32l AP8792080 top box, new-c 28l AP81041974 top box lock cpl. AP8792093 parcel rack assy Acc. - Top/cases, Side Cases
Acc. - Various Aprilia Acc. - Various AP8795022 lateral stand AP8790206 rear handle AP8796057 side guard AP8796059 rear mudbuard protection AP8700793 key support b.guard f-nl AP8700794 key support b.guard i-e AP8700792 key support b.guard uk-d Acc. - Various
Acc. - Windshields Aprilia Acc. - Windshields AP8791065 windscreen cpl. big AP8791066 windscreen w/out support big AP8791073 windscreen cpl. sport AP8791074 windscreen w/out support sport Acc. - Windshields

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