
Original spare parts catalog for the Aprilia MXV 450 Cross (2008) - find OEM parts for Aprilia MXV 450

Version: MXV 450 Cross

Year: 2008

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Original spare parts catalog for the Aprilia MXV 450 Cross (2008) - find OEM parts for Aprilia MXV 450

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Clutch I Aprilia Clutch I 851319 clutch relese shaft AP9150384 oil seal 85111R roller cage d12x16x10 85110R roller cage d8x12x10 851324 rod AP9150284 spacer 25x32x22 85108R roller cage d28x33x13 AP9150234 washer 851227 clutch housing, complete AP9150190 aluminium clutch drum AP9100386 safety washer AP9150235 nut m18x1,25 855885 lined clutch discs 8 pc. AP8176215 steel clutch discs 7 pc. 851327 pawl clutch AP9150358 roller cage d12x26x2 AP9150359 fifth wheel d12x26x1 AP9150191 clutch pressure plate AP9150194 clutch spring AP9150232 cup AP8152279 screw Clutch I
Cooling System Aprilia Cooling System 855159 water cooler, lh 855160 water cooler, rh AP9100376 bush AP9100946 silentblock AP8220402 fuel hose CM238404 pipe AP9100557 cooler-pump pipe 27x19x145 855166 water cooler-head tube 855167 water cooler-head tube AP8201169 clamp AP9100456 5 - clamp (26x8) AP9100697 hose clip 21x8 AP9100948 water cooler filler cap AP8101595 clamp AP8152279 screw AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP8152184 washer AP8150265 screw AP8120223 damper AP8121266 spacer CM223801 fuel pipe Cooling System
Crankcase I Aprilia Crankcase I 851210 carter, pair AP9150146 check bearing plate AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP9150145 check bearing plate AP9150394 screw m6x12 AP9150489 check bearing plate AP8152283 screw 886629 oil seal AP9150149 cover AP9150353 o-ring d26,65x2,62 851194 bearing AP9150440 t bush 34x21x10,5-l18 AP9150441 t bush 28x13x10,5-l11,5 AP9150116 bush d16x19x13 AP9150115 bush d18x21x19 AP9150117 pin d7,2x9x12 AP9150350 o-ring d8,73x1,78 AP9150174 oil drain plug AP9150349 washer gasket (d12x18x1,5) AP9150533 joint AP9150471 breather pipe AP9150346 jet AP8152285 screw AP8121862 washer AP9150078 oil drain plug AP8102377 clamp AP9150526 screw w/ flange m7x1x42 828909 screw 828922 screw 840542 screw 851349 check bearing plate 484034 nozzle 851195 roller bearing Crankcase I
Crankcase Ii Aprilia Crankcase Ii 851220 ignition cover AP8152280 screw 1A017552 gasket ring B015959 seeger 851221 cover gasket AP9150118 bush d6,2x8x15 851219 gasket - clutch cover 851217 clutch side cover AP8152282 screw AP9150150 o-ring AP9150094 complete clutch cover AP9150395 screw w/ flange m6x60 AP8152279 screw AP9150410 oil plug m20x1,5 AP9150356 o-ring (18,72x2,62) AP9150473 screw (m6x10) AP9150351 washer gasket AP9150522 oil seal 85114R bearing 851012 o-ring 851017 bush d6,2x7,8x15 855252 sealing compound 855003 gasket 855260 flange AP8152274 screw 485693 oil level indicator 873804 snap ring AP9150174 oil drain plug 853852 oil load plug 1A009397 o-ring AP9150462 fairlead AP8110067 needle bearing 2879633 oil seal AP9150349 washer gasket (d12x18x1,5) 851240 plug Crankcase Ii
Cylinder Head Aprilia Cylinder Head AP9150317 cylinder head 855487 screw w/ flange m10x58,5 AP9150113 washer AP8152280 screw AP9150114 bush 855034 cylinder head gasket AP9150009 head cover 855136 head cover AP9150010 gasket - head cover AP9150111 screw (spec) AP9150110 gasket 855636 o-ring AP9150121 plate AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP9150469 o-ring 3056 AP9150181 temp. sensor h2o AP9150312 cover d20 AP8121856 cable-guide AP9150174 oil drain plug AP9150349 washer gasket (d12x18x1,5) 853845 screw (spec) 855522 pipe blow-by 855142 bushing 855143 blow-by flange AP8102525 hose cock Cylinder Head
Cylinder With Piston Aprilia Cylinder With Piston 896568 piston 851038 stop ring 851298 ring set, piston (d=76) AP9150007 cylinder d76 AP9150343 o-ring Cylinder With Piston
Driven Shaft Aprilia Driven Shaft 855222 driven shaft AP9150216 bushing d25x28x9,9 855224 2nd wheel gear AP9150297 plain washer d25,1x30,8x0,5 AP9150302 seeger 855226 4th wheel gear AP9100451 seeger 855225 3rd wheel gear AP9100505 pinion z=14 AP9150296 washer AP9150371 roller cage d20x24x10 855223 1st wheel gear AP9150294 washer AP9150361 bearing AP9150357 o-ring d21,95x1,78 85103R bearing AP9150382 oil seal 851469 spacer 25x32x14 855234 seeger Driven Shaft
Drive Shaft Aprilia Drive Shaft 8910345002 crankshaft 851007 flywheel key d3x4,8 851357 washer AP9150436 nut m14x1 AP9150402 transmission key 4x6,5 AP9150525 o-ring d16x3,5 851215 spacer AP9150288 pinion 855530 connecting rod (aprilia rxv, sxv 450) AP9150127 connecting rod screw AP9150455 plane bearing - connecting rod (yellow 35x38x16,5) AP9150323 plane bearing - connecting rod (green 35x38x16,5) AP9150454 plane bearing - connecting rod (blue) AP9150236 flanged nut m18x1,25 Drive Shaft
Engine Aprilia Engine 8512555 engine 853895 gear lever AP8152280 screw AP9100593 screw m10x1,25 l=202 AP8152315 screw w/ flange m10x110 AP9100643 self-locking nut m10x1,25 855849 washer 853916 bush AP9100374 sprocket cover AP9100367 chain guide 855886 or set AP8152301 nut AP8152281 screw 855887 gasket set 855888 oil seals - set AP9100451 seeger AP9100505 pinion z=14 Engine
Exhaust Unit Aprilia Exhaust Unit 856000 exhaust 855998 front. exhaust pipe 855999 rear exhaust pipe 855997 exhaust pipes spring 855996 bushing 855995 flange 855924 rh terminal 855923 lh terminal AP9100252 exhaust gasket 855753 silent-block 855788 spacer AP8152280 screw AP9100434 self-locking nut m6x1 AP8150015 washer 598839 screw Exhaust Unit
Front Cylinder Timing System Aprilia Front Cylinder Timing System CM2376025 camshaft 85104R bearing AP8152274 screw AP9150303 block 855507 front valve control AP9150138 spring AP9150096 rocker arm exhaust 851468 rocker shaft 006612 seeger 85105R bearing 006642 5 - seeger 598839 screw AP9150505 timing gear z=21 AP9150507 screw (spec) 851318 timing chain 851346 chain guide plate AP9150012 timing chain guide AP9150231 screw m6x12 847928 gasket - chain tensioner 1A019253 chain tensioner Front Cylinder Timing System
Gear Box Selector I Aprilia Gear Box Selector I 8538504 gearshift shaft+pawl assy AP9150063 selector lock AP9150238 spring 006415 seeger AP9150006 screw w/ flange m6x15 AP9150044 index assy. lever AP9150051 washer AP9150220 spring AP9150393 oil seal Gear Box Selector I
Gear Box Selector Ii Aprilia Gear Box Selector Ii AP9150005 shift cam cpl. AP9150375 roller d4 AP9150067 selector drum AP9150043 threaded pin m8x1,25 AP9150073 selector lock plate AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP9150069 lever AP9150070 spring pillar AP9150064 spring AP9150068 shift cam plate AP9150060 bushing d6x8x5 AP9150062 fork shaft l72,5 AP9150093 fork 4a-5a AP9150091 fork 1a-3a AP9150061 fork shaft l93 AP9150365 bearing 85104R bearing AP8152272 screw 853849 bushing d10 sp5 Gear Box Selector Ii
Lubrication Aprilia Lubrication 851236 pipe 851235 pipe AP9150347 o-ring ( 11x2) 853836 pressure adj. piston 853837 spring AP9150476 o-ring d11,11x1,78 853838 valve closer screw m14x1,5 853517 oil filter AP9150167 spring 855706 o-ring 851295 oil filter cover Lubrication
Oil Pump Aprilia Oil Pump AP9150071 oil pump shaft assy. AP9150377 pin 4x15,8 AP9150157 internal and external rotor h19 AP9150158 oil pump housing AP8152280 screw AP9150162 filter with net-air intake AP8152281 screw AP9150376 pin 4x13,8 AP9150291 internal and external rotor h8 AP9150461 o-ring (d44,17x1,78) AP9150217 oil pump housing AP9150385 oil seal AP9150076 clearance washer 10,1x23 851058 oil pump gear z=12 AP9150075 clearance washer 9,1x16x AP9150396 seeger AP9150160 pin 4x25,8 AP9150463 roller cage d11x16x10 851059 idle gear z=19 AP9150074 clearance washer 11,1x18 006411 seeger AP9150443 oil seal Oil Pump
Primary Gear Shaft Aprilia Primary Gear Shaft 855218 primary gear shaft AP9150216 bushing d25x28x9,9 85102R bearing AP9150297 plain washer d25,1x30,8x0,5 AP9150302 seeger 855220 3rd pinion gear AP9150362 bearing 855221 4th pinion gear 855219 2nd pinion gear AP9150294 washer 855789 needle bearing AP9150296 washer Primary Gear Shaft
Rear Cylinder Timing System Aprilia Rear Cylinder Timing System CM2377025 camshaft 85104R bearing AP8152274 screw AP9150303 block 855508 rear valve control AP9150304 spring AP9150096 rocker arm exhaust 851468 rocker shaft 006612 seeger 85105R bearing 006642 5 - seeger 598839 screw AP9150505 timing gear z=21 855102 screw (spec) AP9150327 timing chain 851346 chain guide plate AP9150012 timing chain guide AP9150142 screw m6x12 847928 gasket - chain tensioner 1A019253 chain tensioner Rear Cylinder Timing System
Throttle Body Aprilia Throttle Body 8559284 throttle body 855185 pipe 855728 stepper motor body AP8120446 clamp 853871 spacer 853877 clamp AP9101010 potentiometer AP9101011 injector AP9101012 fuel rail cpl 709674 screw AP9101014 screw kit, clamps, clip 855771 stepper motor AP8150509 screw 013777 washer 826118 spacer 830061 screw CM239302 pipe CM239301 pipe CM002908 5 - clamp 258469 clamp 191189 gasket Throttle Body
Transmission Shaft Aprilia Transmission Shaft 851008 transmission shaft z=21 85106R bearing d14x22x13 AP9150387 bearing AP9150130 timing gear z=21 AP9150348 o-ring d79x1,78 AP9150483 flange 876841 screw AP9150390 oil seal AP9150290 timing gear z=46 274246 washer (22x12,1x19) 851011 nut m12x1x4,5 AP9150389 transmission key 4x4x18 Transmission Shaft
Valves Aprilia Valves AP9150022 valve (in) AP9150023 valve (ex) AP9150028 lower cup AP9150104 valve stem seal AP9150024 intake valve spring AP9150025 exhaust valve spring (ex) 891170 upper cup AP9150106 valve half-cone 855632 valve lifter bucket Valves
Valves Pads Aprilia Valves Pads CM238833 pad sp.2,3 CM238816 pad sp.1,875 CM238827 pad sp.2,150 CM238823 pad sp.2,050 CM238819 pad sp.1,950 CM238832 pad sp.2,275 CM238806 pad 1,65 CM238829 pad sp.2,2 CM238837 pad sp.2,4 CM238803 pad sp.1,550 CM238818 pad sp.1,925 CM238822 pad sp.2,025 CM238820 pad sp.1,975 CM238834 pad sp.2,325 CM238830 pad sp.2,225 CM238824 pad sp.2,075 CM238813 pad sp.1,8 CM238811 pad sp.1,750 CM238835 pad sp.2,350 CM238815 pad sp.1,850 CM238838 pad sp.2,425 CM238807 pad sp.1,650 CM238802 pad sp.1,525 CM238801 pad CM238808 pad sp.1,675 CM238836 pad sp.2,375 CM238804 pad sp.1,575 CM238814 pad sp.1,825 CM238812 pad sp.1,775 CM238821 pad sp.2,0 CM238805 pad sp.1,6 CM238825 pad sp.2,1 CM238817 pad sp.1,9 CM238826 pad sp.2,125 CM238831 pad sp.2,250 CM238810 pad sp.1,725 CM238809 pad sp.1,7 CM238828 pad sp.2,175 CM238839 pad sp.2,450 Valves Pads
Water Pump Aprilia Water Pump AP9150484 water pump cover AP8152283 screw 598839 screw AP9150119 bush d8x6,4x9,8 AP9150352 o-ring AP9150132 water pump impeller cpl. AP9150292 washer AP9150464 water pump flange 851480 o-ring d18x2,5 AP9150443 oil seal 851013 oil seal 851010 cover bushing clutch crankcase Water Pump
Air Box Aprilia Air Box 851225 filter housing base 855080 filter housing cover AP8150413 screw 851262 air filter 851257 box cover 890513 seal air filter box AP8102377 clamp AP8144038 fuel pipe 6x10 AP8101595 clamp AP8120876 plug AP8150423 10 - screw 855197 connecting AP8120615 seal air filter box 851258 frame AP8120657 hose clamp 4.5x280 851259 air duct 851260 drum AP9100427 air temp. sensor AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) AP8220238 damper Air Box
Central Body Aprilia Central Body 85590310XN4 rh side panel, black AP8184606 lh side panel, black AP9100053 spacer AP9100645 screw w/ flange m6x16 inox 855960 shock absorber cover 254485 clip nuts (m6) AP8152274 screw AP8144064 washer (heat shield) AP8121736 10 - spacer 851256 sump guard AP9100778 bush AP9100661 screw w/ flange m6x1 l=95 AP9100434 self-locking nut m6x1 AP8120670 rubber spacer * AP9100683 washer 899085 rh side panel decal 890695 rh side panel decal 899086 lh side panel decal 890696 lh side panel decal Central Body
Foot Rests Aprilia Foot Rests AP9100193 footrest left AP9100194 footrest right AP9100195 spring lh AP9100196 spring rh AP9100197 pin AP9100275 footrest support AP9100390 screw m12x1,25 AP8152058 screw AP8152286 screw AP8152176 washer AP8150017 washer AP8201643 split pin 855269 lh int.sheet plate 891217 plate Foot Rests
Frame Aprilia Frame 851105 frame AP9100173 black chain guide roller AP9100174 spacer AP9100175 bearing AP8152288 screw AP9100688 lower chain guide plate AP8152272 screw AP8120253 spacer 855799 screw AP9100724 spacer 851471 saddle support AP8152287 screw AP8202058 plastic rivet, black AP8117033 damper 891283 frame reinforcement kit Frame
Front Body I Aprilia Front Body I AP8184813 number plate AP8156344 tie rod AP8152339 screw AP9100053 spacer AP8201431 split pin * AP9100633 screw (spec) AP8150246 screw AP8152284 screw AP8156343 front mudguard (red) AP9100441 rh sleeve guard AP8120405 damper AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP8150015 washer 598839 screw AP9100548 screw complete m6x1 AP9100501 t bush 20x0,5x3,5 AP9100440 sx sleeve guard 890575 front mudguard decal 890691 numberplate 852038 decal "agip aprilia" Front Body I
Front Body Ii Aprilia Front Body Ii 89835600XR3 rh air duct, red 85556000XR3 rh air duct 89835700XR3 lh air duct, red 85556100XR3 lh air duct AP9100366 radiator grille AP9100645 screw w/ flange m6x16 inox AP9100053 spacer 254485 clip nuts (m6) 855595 front fairing AP8102375 clip nuts (m5) 855558 air filter rh covers 855605 air filter lh covers 855559 cover AP8152267 screw AP8150444 screw 855850 plate 855949 rh sponge 855950 lh sponge 855851 filter air intake 855861 bush 890694 decal "mxv" 890692 decal "aprilia" 896129 sticker rh "mxv" 898345 sticker rh "mxv" 896130 sticker lh "mxv" 898346 sticker lh "mxv" Front Body Ii
Front Brake System Aprilia Front Brake System AP9100257 brake hydraulic pump AP9100785 piston, kit AP9100786 plug revision kit AP9100787 lever overhaul kit AP9100706 spacer AP8152280 screw 855755 brake hose AP8152290 screw AP9100472 hex screw m10x1,25 (m10x1,25) AP9100473 washer AP9100256 front brake caliper front AP9100788 brake pads AP9100789 bleeder kit AP9100790 brake caliper rev. kit AP9100791 spring AP9100792 pin Front Brake System
Front Fork Aprilia Front Fork 851248 lh hub cpl. 851249 rh hub cpl. 890521 hub+lh fork leg 858528 hub+rh fork leg 853982 upper bush 50x15 AP8163069 ring AP8163070 oil seal AP8163071 stop ring AP8163072 dust cover 890522 sleeve cpl. AP8163369 screw complete m4x6 896554 ring spring d.50 893186 spring kit 893190 plunger, complete AP8152280 screw 854000 lower bush 893188 valve d.50 893189 plug cpl. d.50 855001 stop ring d.62x2,0 Front Fork
Front Wheel Aprilia Front Wheel 855743 front/rear tyre 90/90x21" 855745 inner tube 21" AP8109001 front wheel flap 21" AP9100457 bracket 855611 front wheel 1,6x21" AP9100171 cover m22 AP9100225 front hub 831615 bearing AP9100228 gasket ring 28x42x7 AP9100226 internal spacer l=69,7 AP9100227 gasket ring 32x42x7 AP9100224 spoke d.3,5-21"-l.233 AP9100057 nipple AP8121334 seeger 855747 brake disc 855625 screw AP9100229 outside spacer l=26,3 855203 front wheel spindle l=221,5 front AP9100318 spacer 891012 front wheel 21" Front Wheel
Fuel Tank Aprilia Fuel Tank 851275 fuel tank 855827 cover 855740 gasket AP9100767 rubber spacer 26x12,2 AP8121811 t bush 015585 screw 656003 gasket 855554 fuel pump AP8220402 fuel hose 855825 valve 576546 ring nut 254485 clip nuts (m6) AP8150016 washer AP8152277 screw (6x12) AP8152280 screw 855737 bush 855828 washer AP9100501 t bush 20x0,5x3,5 Fuel Tank
Handlebar - Controls Aprilia Handlebar - Controls 855571 handlebar 853567 upper u-bolt AP9100297 upper u-bolt AP8152289 screw 853696 throttle+hand grip AP9100484 clutch control AP9100939 clutch lever AP9100940 u-bolt AP8152280 screw AP9100941 clutch cable register 855162 clutch cable 851272 gas lever transmission 858305 map switch lower shell 851359 progressive throttle pipe 851360 u-bolt AP8218628 grip 858247 map switch AP9100425 button engine stop Handlebar - Controls
Rear Body Aprilia Rear Body 85590200XR3 rh rear fairing 85590100XR3 lh rear fairing AP9100053 spacer AP9100645 screw w/ flange m6x16 inox AP9100434 self-locking nut m6x1 AP8152117 screw AP9100594 spacer (10x7) 969296 screw 598839 screw AP8150015 washer 89100200XR3 mudguard rear 890697 rh rear fairing decal 899087 rh rear fairing decal 890698 lh rear fairing decal 899088 lh rear fairing decal 254485 clip nuts (m6) 858545 heat protection 890699 decal "aprilia" 899114 dec.triangle rear fairing dx 899115 dec.triangle rear fairing sx 899089 rh rear fairing decal 899090 lh rear fairing decal Rear Body
Rear Brake System Aprilia Rear Brake System AP9100475 brake hydraulic pump AP9100794 plug revision kit AP9100793 piston, kit AP9100795 lever overhaul kit 855696 brake hose AP9100472 hex screw m10x1,25 (m10x1,25) AP9100473 washer 855855 brake caliper rev. kit 855769 rear caliper rear 855852 brake pads 855853 spring 855854 pin 855506 rear brake lever AP9100290 bush AP9100291 spring AP9100477 o-ring 18x2 AP9100354 rear brake lever pin AP8150169 screw AP8150017 washer AP8101928 split pin 598839 screw 855856 bleeder kit Rear Brake System
Rear Shock Absorber Aprilia Rear Shock Absorber AP9100176 single conrod comp. 855578 rear shock absorber (mxv) 891194 rear shock absorber (mxv) 851252 double conrod comp. AP9100007 screw m10x1,25 l=53 AP9100178 piston pin AP9100181 needle bearing AP9100177 oil seal (25x32x4) AP9100184 piston pin AP9100111 spacer AP9100179 spacer AP9100186 spacer (outside) AP9100549 o-ring 1,5x24 AP8152018 2 - washer AP9100442 low self-locking nut m12x1,25 AP9100439 low self-locking nut m10x1,25 AP9100604 screw m12x1,25 l=120 AP9100289 screw m12x1,25 l=95 AP9100208 screw m10x1,25 l=44 855956 pad 855957 gasket set 855944 sleeve unit 855959 sleeve gasket set AP9100182 washer Rear Shock Absorber
Rear Wheel Aprilia Rear Wheel 855744 rear tyre 110/90-19" 855746 inner tube 19" AP8109144 rear wheel flap AP9100462 tyre clamp 855613 rear wheel 2,15x19" AP9100214 rear hub 831615 bearing AP9100227 gasket ring 32x42x7 AP8121334 seeger AP9100215 internal spacer l=106,5 mm AP9100413 spoke d.4-19"-l.20 AP9100212 spoke d.4-19"-l.2 AP9100213 nipple d.4 855748 brake disc 855625 screw AP9100595 outside spacer l=21,9 855626 screw m8x30 AP8150009 washer AP9100432 low self-locking nut m8x1,25 CM238206 chain ring z=49 855161 chain 5/8"x1/4" 891013 rear wheel 19" AP8120001 rubber spacer AP9100318 spacer Rear Wheel
Saddle Aprilia Saddle 85518600AA saddle assy 855914 release device AP9100087 washer 855922 saddle casing 858545 heat protection AP8101985 special clip Saddle
Steering Aprilia Steering 851245 upper plate 858033 base with pivot steering AP9100026 spindle nut AP9100028 washer AP9100021 ring nut AP9100204 upper gasket ring 851030 steering bearing 851029 steering bearing cup AP9100205 lower gasket ring AP9100293 lower u-bolt AP9100412 silent-block AP9100776 washer AP9100439 low self-locking nut m10x1,25 AP8152290 screw Steering
Swing Arm Aprilia Swing Arm 891226 swing arm AP9100202 roller cage 22x29x30 AP9100203 gasket ring 22x29x4 AP9100952 piston pin AP9100123 rear swing arm pin m14 l=244 AP8152244 dax flange nut m14x1,5 855552 chain guide plate 855553 chain guide plate AP8152305 chain tens.adjuster screw AP8150027 nut 855565 lh chain guide plate 855697 rh chain guide plate AP9100565 brake hose cable guide 015585 screw AP8234020 cup for shoe 598839 screw AP8152284 screw AP9100287 bush AP9100434 self-locking nut m6x1 855562 rear wheel spindle m25 l=266,5 rear AP8152323 washer 855722 wheel spindle nut m25x1,5 AP8202058 plastic rivet, black AP8150255 washer AP9100053 spacer Swing Arm
Electrical System Aprilia Electrical System 855556 electronic control unit AP8150159 washer 855557 speed sensor AP8150460 screw 58090R5 voltage regulator AP8150413 screw 855150 coil AP9100423 spark plug cap 855627 wire 855628 wire 855163 main wiring harness AP9100739 condenser 10000 uf CM225730 fuse 30a 855731 main switch wiring GU03741370 cap AP8220709 pipe cover 257134 hose clamp 145298 lock-strap l=180mm Electrical System
Ignition Unit Aprilia Ignition Unit 855011 stator 855799 screw 855489 plate AP8152272 screw 840542 screw 484993 dowel pin 855180 inertial ring 639687 spark plug Ignition Unit
Starter Assembly Aprilia Starter Assembly 891060 kick - start 891049 lever screw 891048 coil compress. spring 295591 ball d6 855006 extension 855535 o-ring 17x1 851126 cup 855528 return spring 006417 seeger 851200 washer 851062 gear 855767 roller cage 17x21x10 855005 starter shaft 851127 starter plate 851128 spring cable lever 891090 plate AP8152277 screw (6x12) 851149 plate 851358 intermediate gear 853518 pin fixing screw Starter Assembly
Completing Part Aprilia Completing Part 890689 sticker kit 896128 sticker kit 855822 main stand comp. 891055 tools kit 854088 op's handbook i-d-f-e-uk-nl 855898 software cd 855899 axone-pc cable connection 891018 ht wire Completing Part

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